A 2012 study conducted by the University of Missouri found a possible non-toxic treatment for breast cancer which works even on deadly, fast growing tumors, inhibiting cell proliferation and reducing expression of a gene associated with cancer malignancy.
This treatment is based on Apigenin, a naturally occurring flavonoid found in celery, parsley and many other vegetables and herbs. This natural compound was shown to shrink tumors and reduce their growth in mice and rats (with breast cancer) treated with it, the researchers also discovered that when rats were treated with apigenin, they developed fewer tumors and had significant delays in tumor formation.
Unfortunately, because the active ingredient of such a treatment can be found in the garden or at the grocery store, researchers struggle to find funding to transfer their research from animals to humans.
External Link: Breast Cancer Effectively Treated with Chemical Found in Celery, Parsley by MU Researchers