Elevated blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack and is generally regarded as the greatest risk factor for stroke. It is very important to normalize high blood pressure to maintain good health and prevent disease.
Thankfully Herbal Medicine has very effective treatment for people with high blood pressure.
Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)
Used traditionally to treat hypertension and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Found liberally throughout the hedgerows of Ireland. The berries, flowers and leaves are used. Scientific trials done on an extraction of the berries show that they significantly reduce both Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure after 3 month of use. Studies also show that hawthorn has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle.
Oats (Avena sativa)
Taken as an ethanol extraction of the oat straw and the seed or eaten as porridge in its organic wholegrain unprocessed oat bran from. In scientific trials has shown to significantly reduce blood pressure after 6 weeks of treatment. Used traditionally for nervous debility and exhaustion.
Olive Leaf (Olea europaea)
Both olive oil (from the fruit) and an extract of olive leaf have demonstrated blood pressure lowering ability in scientific trials, and long-term dietary intake of olive oil is associated with reduced incidence of hypertension. In one clinical trial olive leaf extract taken for 3 months resulted in a significant decrease in blood pressure in all patients.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
A preparation of the cloves, standardized to contain high levels of ingredient ‘alliin’ is used. Several scientific trials showed garlic creates an average reduction of 7.7 in the Systolic and 5 in the Diastolic. Though the reduction is small it is significant and in light of the fact that garlic can also reduce blood fats ( cholesterol and Triglycerides ) by up to 17% it is a great medication when treating hypertension.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhair Tree) is added to my list of natural vaso-dilators, it has been proven to dilate blood vessels helping to reduce high blood pressure and improve blood circulation
Omega 3 fish oils
According to several scientific studies fish oils have a significant but modest lowering effect on blood pressure of people with hypertension. Fish oils exert a myriad of different effects on the heart and the vessels, which have been demonstrated in both experimental models and human studies. It is suspected that the summation of many small protective risk factor effects of omega-3 fatty acids adds up to a larger protective effect on mortality and cardiovascular events.
Vitamin D levels
Those with high vitamin D levels had lower blood pressure and therefore a reduced risk of hypertension, according to scientific research. For every 10 percent increase in vitamin D levels, there was an 8 percent decrease in the risk of developing hypertension. Talk to health care provider who understands vitamin d levels and how to optimize them (over the counter one-per-day pills generally no good)
Physical exercise
Exercise has a very positive effect on blood pressure. 30-60 minutes walk in the fresh air daily will help maintain healthy blood pressure.